-We are gong to see: iPhone 4G/HD, Final Cut Pro, iLife '10, Safari 5, Mac Pro Updates, Mac Mini Updates, iPhone OS 4.0.
-We are not going to see: Macbook Air Update, Macbook Pro Update, Macbook Update, iPod Updates, iPod touch with Camera.
This is the video, if you still want to hear MORE of his (and mine (i totally agree with him in this video)) opinion the video is below... But besides what's in the two paragraphs above, he only talks about a few iPhone 4G specs and the times of the event (and, of course, a few ads of his Web Blog of the event....)
Though i was going to leave you guys wit only a random small post?! NO! Here's you bonus: "The best Cydia apps for your jailbroken iPad" and ... (my favourite) "Spiders on Drugs"
Really funny..
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