Jun 10, 2010

[How to] Install AppSync, Cracked Apps, Without w/o WiFi On 3.1, 3.1.2 or 3.1.3

Here's the full story: I have an iPhone (2g). I know, i know... Before you all start to scream in the vacuum, let me say: This was my dad's iPhone. He promised me the new iPhone and he's getting it for me (not on launch day though) and he said: "While the new iPhone doesn't launch, I'll let you have my old iPhone while i get the 3G... Ok! It worked great for a while but now WiFi is dead and, as you all know, an iPhone without 3G/edge and no Wifi, is just a heavy cellphone. I was lucky that i was able to jailbreak it and install AppSync 3.0 before the WiFi problem so i could get apps... After the Announcement of iOS4, as i already knew i wasn't going to get the 4th OS on my iPhone (at least until i get the new iPhone 4), i thought: why not update my iOS (that was in 3.0) to the best i could get until i upgrade my iPhone? I did. and i jailbroke it. But there's a problem: How was i going to install AppSync? After a while searching [and crying because i wanted to try GuitarHero for iPhone]. I came up with this GUIDE TO INSTALL APPSYNC 3.1 ON OS'es 3.1, 3.1.2 AND 3.1.3. This is it:


Stuff you're going to need:

-A jaibroken iPhone/iPod Touch on OS 3.1, 3.1.2 or 3.1.3
-A ssh tool (I used iPhoneExplorer (for mac, uses USB to ssh into the iPhone. Also: it doesn't require OpenSSH to work)
-THIS patch. [Torrent. From Demonoid.]

How to do it?

After you download the patch you're going to connect your iPhone to the USB, open iPhoneExplorer and navigate to:
Here you're going to find a folder named "Cydia". If not, create one (with capital "C")
Navigate to the 'Cydia' folder.
Inside this folder you'll find another folder named "AutoInstall". If not, create it (with capital "A" and "I")

Now extract the patch you downloaded and open the folder "AppSync for OS 3.1" (don't worry, it will work with 3.1.2 and 3.1.3). Inside this folder you'll find two '.deb' files and two '.txt' files. Copy both '.deb' files into the "AutoInstall" folder in iPhoneExplorer. Now reboot your iPhone and then respring it.

Now you can copy .ipa cracked apps to your iphone via itunes (just double click the '.ipa' file.)

iRaphael is not responsible for any injuries you cause to your iPhone (or you, you freaks). Follow this tutorial at your own risk. We do not support piracy and AppSync must be used for trial and educational purposes ONLY!

Share your Goods and Bads (if it worked, if it didn't) in the comments below.




Unknown said...

please re-upload the patch!
or tell me the content of the patch, what are the deb files in the patch ?

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