i watched it online (original). i had no problems sleeping (lucky me) but i read from a blog the differences about the alternate and the original ending and my conclusion is that:
1.the original ending had the worst dying scene for katie. she is just shot by the policemen
2.the alternate had the best micah-being-thrown scene
3.in the alternate they cutted off the suffer katie had on killing micah
after all i prefer the original but this is what i think should have happened:
last scene:
katie wakes up at the middle of the night (again) stay there for 3 hours and then walk downstairs
katie screams
micah wakes up
katie still screaming
micah runs to the door
fast footsteps are heard
the "ghost" throw him to the camera and closes the door
micah gets up and runs downstairs
katie starts screaming again
after a while katie comes back full of blood with a knife
katie sits over the bed and stays for 2 days in a row
their friends appear they find micah dead and run (off camera - just sound)
after some time the police appear in the house katie still sitting over the bed
the police find katie and katie says "micah? micah?" confused.
the police shots katie and continue trying to find other ppl in the house
911 arrives they get katie
a notecard says "in memory of the couple" and then other says "micah - dead in 2006. katie - found dead with a knife in a hospice - 2008"
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